The early history of the Christian faith records the rise and fall of religious freedom in the Roman Empire. How well do you know your Roman history?
Who built the first-ever shopping mall?
How many hours were in a Roman day?
In the Roman Empire, who was required to worship the emperor as a deity?
Toward the end of the first century AD, a large portion of Rome burned to the ground. Which emperor blamed Christians for the fire?
Which emperor led the 10-year persecution of Christians foretold in the letter to Smyrna in Revelation 2:8-11?
Why did Diocletian persecute the Christians?
In ancient Rome, who was permitted to wear purple?
Which of these Christian martyrs was crucified?
The Colosseum got its name from what?
How many Christians are known to have been put to death in the Colosseum?
What was the primary entertainment staged at Circus Maximus?
Which of the following outrageous behaviors did the Romans accuse 1st century Christians of committing?
Who was the first Roman emperor recorded as fighting in the line of battle?